Feeling Intimidated?

If you've seen wildland firefighters in action, you may immediately feel like you are not up to snuff.

They are hardcore, putting in serious work for 8-16 hours a day; carrying heavy packs, swinging tools, cutting/digging line, and getting up to do it all again the next day.

That can be really intimidating if you don't feel like you are at that level... yet.

Thankfully, I am here to help guide you to where you want to go.... a fire! 

We can work together to get you mentally and physically prepared for this demandiing but AMAZING job! And get you out being a badass with the rest of them. 

You can do it, you are stonger than you think!


Let's talk about the details:



30 Minute Session

☑️Pre-session questionnaire

☑️ Total access to Ronni for 30 minutes

☑️30 minutes jam packed with mental and physical fitness STRATEGY

☑️ Access to recorded conversation OR extensive notes based on our session


I want this!


I'm a former wildland firefighter. I did 5 season with the BLM on an engine crew out of Southern Idaho and have some experience as a  volunteer on a crew in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

I fell in love with wildland firefighting and want to share the best job in the world with others.

My mission is to get you prepared and set up for success for your wildland fire journey. 

Join me on the ride of self-discovery, discipline and unapologetic confidence.

Work With Ronni

It’s Time To Believe In  Yourself 

With one-on-one guidance, you'll improve your  physical and mental wellness and feel more confident and better prepared for your fire season.